Volunteer centres across the province recruit and refer volunteers to non-profit organizations in their community that request the assistance of volunteers.

There are volunteer centres in the following regions:


Bathurst Volunteer Centre Inc.

Telephone: (506) 549-5955
Fax: (506) 549-5866
E-mail: michel.godin@nb.aibn.com
464 King Avenue
Bathurst, NB E2A 1P6
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Helps the less fortunate in the community by operating a food bank, soup kitchen, clothing and furniture bank, meals on wheels program and a Human service counselors program.


Restigouche County Volunteer Action Association Inc.

Telephone: (506) 753-2252
Fax: (506) 753-6403
E-mail: rcvaa@nb.aibn.com
PO Box 1007
Campbellton, NB E3N 3H4
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Centre de Bénévolat de la Péninsule Acadienne (CBPA) inc.

Website : www.cbpa.ca
Telephone: (506) 727-1860
Office: (506) 727-1861
Cell: (506) 727-8966
Fax: (506) 727-1862
E-mail: centbene@nbnet.nb.ca
100-220 St-Pierre Boulevard West
Caraquet, NB E1W 1A5
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Volunteer Greater Fredericton

Online Volunteer Matching: www.connectfredericton.ca
Website: www.volunteergreaterfredericton.ca
E-mail: coordinator@volunteerfredericton.ca
PO Box 30069
Fredericton, NB E3B 0H8


Volunteer Miramichi

Telephone: (506) 622-6565
Fax: (506) 622-2933
133 Newcastle Blvd
Miramichi, NB E1V 2L9
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Volunteer Centre of South Eastern NB

Telephone: (506) 869-6977
Fax: (506) 853-7856
E-mail: d.leblanc@volunteergreatermoncton.com
Executive Director: vcbed@nbnet.nb.ca
T290 – 22 Church Street
Moncton, NB E1C 0P7
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St. Stephen

Volunteer Centre of Charlotte County Inc.

Telephone: (506) 466-4995
Fax: (506) 465-0988
E-mail: vcc@nb.aibn.com
199 Union Street
PO Box 271
St. Stephen, NB E3L 2X2
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